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Kenmore Municipal Building
Room 15 (first floor)
2919 Delaware Avenue
Kenmore, New York 14217
The Kenmore Planning Board was established to provide site plan review and approval on various permit applications. In addition, the Planning Board developed the Village Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan provides general information as to the appearance and needs, both now and in the future, for the Village Business Districts.
The Planning Board members are appointed to 5 year terms by the Mayor, with approval by the Board of Trustees. Planning Board members must be Village of Kenmore residents and/or business owners within the Village. Alternates are appointed annually.
The Planning Board typically reviews Sign Permit applications, Site Plans, Façade and Use changes.
The Planning board meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held in Room 15 of the Kenmore Municipal Building. It is strongly recommended that all applicants be present to review their application with the Planning Board.
Minutes are available on-line. If you are interested in Minutes which have not yet posted, please contact the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office at (716) 873-5700.
The application deadline is noon on the Thursday before the Planning Board meeting. Only complete applications will be reviewed.
Please Contact the Building Department for more information (716) 873-5700.
Bruce Shearer
Term Expires: April, 2027
Sara Schumacher-Marks
Term Expires: April, 2030
David McLaughlin
Term Expires: April, 2026
Colleen Donovan
Term Expires: April, 2028
Robert Rumpl
Term Expires: April, 2029
Michael Foster
Karen Phillips