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Sewer & Storm Water Info

The Village of Kenmore is committed to maintaining and improving our infrastructure.  We’ve invested millions of dollars on capital improvements to our water and sewer system.  Water Main Replacement Projects replace old water lines.  Street Improvement Projects address the both water and sewer lines, and Sewer lining projects address cracks in our sewer lines.

Our infrastructure is comprised of 3 main pieces:  Water lines which bring clean water to your home, Storm Water lines which take away clean water such as rain water from your property, and Sewer lines, which take away dirty water, such as toilet water.

The sewer-related capital improvement projects have been implemented to help reduce Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) into our system.  I&I happens when excess clean (storm) water gets into our sewer lines through holes, cracks and joint failures.  It can also happen when downspouts, bubblers, sump pumps and laterals (located on private property) are not properly connected to our system.

To help us to correct I&I attributed to connections on private property, Smoke Testing  will take place on some of our streets. This work will be performed by CoreVIS.  As part of our Consent Order with the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), we are required to inspect properties from the right of way and identify homes which may be inadvertently contributing to inflow and infiltration (I&I) into our system.  Smoke testing will help to identify any problems.

You can help by checking your downspouts and sump pumps to make sure they are properly connected. For more information, please check the diagram and links below.