Kenmore Municipal Building – Room 17
2919 Delaware Avenue
Kenmore, New York 14217
Office Hours
8 AM – 4 PM M-F
Telephone: (716) 873-5700
Facsimile: (716) 873-0004
Week of 3/10/25 - Yellow Recycle. County Rain Barrel and Compost Bil Sale: www.erie.compostersale.com.
In addition to the elected government officials, the Village of Kenmore government is required by law to have a Village Clerk. The Village Clerk/Treasurer is appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Village Board of Trustees.
The Clerk/Treasurer serves as the Village’s Chief Fiscal Officer.
Ms. Johnson previously served as Acting Justice and as Village Attorney. She works closely with the Mayor and Board of Trustees, village employees, businesses and residents.
Kathleen P. Johnson
This office cannot answer any calls pertaining to the Kenmore Justice Court. You will need to contact the Justice Court Directly at (716) 873-4554.
Services & Other Information:
Send requests by letter or email. Your request should include the street (including cross streets), date, rain date and contact information for the person making the request. Please note that all block parties need to be approved by the Board, so it’s important to submit your request at least 1 month before the date you are requesting. - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & FUNDING
We accept applications for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). These are income-based. If eligible you can receive a zero-interest mortgage for certain home improvements. - EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS
We accept applications for village employment. Please note that many positions are competitive and require you to have taken an exam through Erie County Personnel (Civil Service). - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
For information, please check here - MINUTES & AGENDAS
The Clerk/Treasurer is responsible for coordinating and managing the day-to-day operation of the Village and for compiling the agenda for Board review. All Village records, including minutes, agreements and contracts are maintained in the Clerk’s Office. Please note, that if you don’t find Minutes online for a particular meeting date, please contact this office so that we can provide hard copies. - PEDDLER PERMITS
We accept applications for peddler permits. All peddlers are required to have their permits with them. Please report any problems or concerns about a peddler to the Kenmore Police Department at (716) 875-1234. - REGISTRAR
The Registrar is responsible for maintaining all records of birth and death in the Village. Please note that Kenmore Mercy Hospital is located in the Town of Tonawanda. - SUMP PUMP CERTIFICATES
Sump pump certificates are required to facilitate the transfer of your home. - TAX CERTIFICATES
Sellers are required to obtain a Tax Certificate for the transfer of any Village property. Please send your request to the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office and provide the address and homeowner name, a check payable to the “Village of Kenmore” for $20. - WATER ACCOUNTS
To set up your water account, download and complete the water application and return it to our office. - WATER BILLS
Village water bills are paid to this office, or you can pay on-line. - WEDDINGS
Marriage licenses must be obtained through a City or Town Clerk’s Office. The Village Clerk/Treasurer’s Office is unable to issue marriage licenses. To obtain information on obtaining a marriage license, you can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at (716) 877-8800. Please note: The Town of Tonawanda does not issue marriage licenses on Fridays and appointments are required. - WEDDING OFFICIANTS. Marriage ceremonies can be performed by various Village officials, including the Mayor and Village Justices. For information on securing an officiant for your wedding, please contact kjohnson@vi.kenmore.ny.us or call (716) 873-5700.