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Home Repair and Improvements

For your protection, the Village requires all plumbers, electricians and contractors to be licensed through the Village.  In so doing, the Village has some background information on file with the Building Department and, in the case of Electricians and Plumbers, verification that your plumber or electrician has a basic knowledge and understanding of his/her profession.

It’s always best to contact the Building Department (716) 873-5700 if you are planning on doing any work on your property to ascertain what permits will be required.


If you are having any work done on your property which will require a building permit, your contractor will need to obtain a license to perform work in the Village of Kenmore.  Contractors must complete an application, submit proof of proper workers compensation and liability insurance, and provide proof of the existence of an escrow account.  The license is valid for one (1) calendar year and may be suspended or revoked for good cause.

Master Plumbers

Plumbers wishing to do work in the Village are required to file an application with the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office and pass an examination.  The Board of Trustees must approve each designation of Master Plumber.  The license is valid for one (1) calendar year. The Master Plumber’s license must be renewed annually.  The Board of Trustees may revoke or suspend any license for a violation of any state of local laws relating to plumbing or for work which constitutes a violation of the zoning ordinance.  The license may also be revoked or suspended if the plumber does work without first procuring any necessary permits.

For a current list of Master Plumbers, click here.

Plumbing Permits

Permits must be obtained for any plumbing work, except for the repair or replacement of existing facilities provided this work does not involve a change in a vent, trap or waste line.

Permits will only be issued to licensed plumbers.  Please note that homeowners can only obtain a permit for plumbing work if they own “owner occupied single family dwelling” and will be performing the work.

For a permit application, click here.

Master Electricians

Electricians wishing to do work in the Village of Kenmore are required to file an application with the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office.  As in the case of Master Plumbers, electricians must also pass an examination administered by the Village. Only electricians who pass this examination can become licensed as Master Electricians in the Village.  The Board of Trustees must approve issuance of the license.  Licenses are valid for one (1) calendar year and must be renewed annually.  The license may be revoked or suspended by the Board of Trustees for violation of any laws pertaining to electricity or where work is performed without a permit and/or violates the zoning code.

For a current list of Master Electricians, click here.

Electrical Permits

Permits are required to install, alter or repair electrical wiring for light, hear or power.

Licensed (Master) Electricians may obtain permits for any electrical work.  In addition, permits may be issued to homeowners of single family homes who will be performing the work on that home.

For a permit application, click here.